

十大彩票平台 has adopted the following policy for Post-Tenure审查 根据第4节.校董会、学术及学生事务委员会主席 手册及第8节.3.5.校董会政策手册第4条. 与…保持一致 the mission of 十大彩票平台, each faculty member will be evaluated according 符合以下标准: 

        1. 教学 
        2. 服务机构及社区 
        3. 专业成长与发展. 

Post-tenure dossiers must demonstrate noteworthy achievement in teaching and at least one other of the three criteria; activity in all three areas is required. 


According to policies of the Board of Regents, faculty will undergo review every five 在获得终身教职多年之后. 院长会通知教职员工 在秋季学期开始的时候开始他们一年的复习. 当一名教员 submits a promotion dossier, the promotion dossier takes the place of the post-tenure review, so that the post-tenure timeline is restarted; no tenured faculty member will be required to submit two dossiers within five 年, excepting faculty members who 未通过终身制审查. 拒绝提交终身制后研究报告的教员 review dossier must submit a signed letter of intent to retire or resign within two 年. Upon the withdrawal of the letter of intent to retire or resign, the post-tenure 时间线将重新建立,没有中断. 


Post-tenure review dossiers will be reviewed by all the tenured faculty of the school (excluding the Dean and the faculty member being reviewed) in which reviewed faculty 服务. The Dean shall convene the committee; the committee will elect its chair. Review committees must have a minimum of three members; if the school has fewer than three tenured faculty, the committee will be expanded to three according to the rules 如第7节所示.晋升/任期审查委员会. 教师可以请假 from serving on a post-tenure review committee at the discretion of the Dean for reasons including but not limited to a heavy teaching load, service on one or more simultaneous 审查委员会,或利益冲突. 


Post–tenure dossiers are due by March 1 of the review year; they are to be submitted 给审查委员会主席. 

Faculty members who have received at least four satisfactory supervisory evaluations over the five-year review period will submit an abbreviated dossier composed of a letter from their supervisor attesting to their professional performance over the past five 年, a current curriculum vitae, and a two-year development plan.

Faculty members who have received at least two unsatisfactory supervisory evaluations over the five-year review period will submit a full dossier composed of the following 项目: 

        1. 直接主管的评估信. 
        2. 最近的简历. 
        3. A summary of student evaluations from one class per year for the past five 年. 
        4. 过去五年的年报. 
        5. A copy of evaluations from the division chair for the past five 年. 
        6. A thorough two-year professional development and growth plan that addresses each of the three criteria for post-tenure review with attention to areas of identified weakness. 
        7. 任何对终身教职后审查有说服力的额外信息. 

If, after examining the dossier, the review committee feels there are significant omissions, the faculty member will be informed and given the opportunity to fill in 缺失的数据. 通过多数投票,审查委员会将决定是否 教职员的表现是否令人满意. 


At the conclusion of the review, the review committee will report its decision to 负责学术事务的副校长. 如果是负责学术事务的副校长 agrees with the decision of the review committee, he/she will notify the faculty member, the Dean, the department chair (if any), and the president that the review has been 成功地完成了. 

如果是负责学术事务的副校长 does not agree with the decision of the review committee, he/she will give his/her points of disagreement to the review committee 书面要求他们重新考虑该教员的档案. 最后的决定 将由审查委员会决定吗. 评审委员会将通知全体教员 member, the Dean, the department chair (if any), vice president for academic affairs, and president of the final decision no later than the last day of the spring semester 在此期间提交了档案. 

If performance is deemed to be unsatisfactory, “the faculty member’s supervisor(s) and faculty member will work together to develop a formal plan for faculty development that includes clearly defined and specific goals or outcomes, an outline of activities to be undertaken, a timetable, and an agreed-upon monitoring strategy. 如果,在3之后 年, the faculty member has not been successful with remedying the identified deficiencies, he or she may be subject to dismissal for cause (regular, independent dismissal processes 将适用)”(BoR学术 & 学生事务手册4.6). 


A faculty member has the right to appeal the decision of the review committee to the 终职检讨委员会, which is composed of all tenured faculty members (who are 没有被每个学校审查). 上诉可包括任何行动、审查、 或者是与终身教职后评估相关的评估. 上诉人将提出上诉 a letter of appeal along with his/her post-tenure review dossier to the president of the faculty senate who will make the appeal materials available to members of the 终职检讨委员会. 教员评议会将对终身教职后进行投票 复审委员会不得迟于上诉后三十天提出 submitted to the faculty senate; a two-thirds 投票 of the 终职检讨委员会 上诉成功需要什么条件. 

The faculty senate president will inform the college president of the result of the 投票. The college president shall review the decision by the 终职检讨委员会 and inform the appellant and the appellant’s supervisor of his/her final decision 在收到终职审查委员会的投票后15天内. 按照 with Board of Regents policy, any employee in the University System aggrieved by a final decision of the president of an institution may apply to the Board’s Office 法律事务委员会审查该决定(《十大彩票游戏平台》第8版).6). 


Faculty who pass post-tenure review should be rewarded in the form of merit pay increases 优先考虑发展机遇.